Swati Bakre (she/her), LCPC
- Position :Founder
I believe that we all have to be caretaking, that this is a piece missing in the world. Caretaking ourselves and others, supporting them through what they are going through. As a therapist, caretaking to me means: taking care of the self, taking care of the client, and supporting the client to caretake themselves.
Cultural Place
I will be curious about how your culture informs you of your place in the world. A big part of my identity is shaped in a deep sense of belonging to India, the land of my ancestors. One of the values that runs deep in my personhood is the familial ethos that I grew up in, where metaphorically and literally doors in homes were always open with a pot of chai ready to share. Over the years I have learned the complexities of this ethos, the nuanced balance of interdependence and independence. I bring this nuanced perspective to you, sometimes as an invitation to explore another worldview.
My training, research and lived experience all inform the way I show up and I will share that with you, letting you know what I am leaning into in our work. The process of therapy extends beyond the one-hour session, it includes the space between sessions where reflection continues and where I think about and look at what I bring to the table.
This relationship is mutual, we are both here and are also a part of various systems both micro and macro. Being upfront about the ways I hold power, acknowledging when I make mistakes, sharing my own learning processes are all things I bring to our relationship. I will be vulnerable and even when it backfires, it is a part of the journey.
We each have a true North Star within us that is our guide through life. The therapy process is your own journey, to find your path and true North Star.
Painful life experiences can constrict the pathways to our wisdom. We shape ourselves consciously and unconsciously to survive trauma, losing awareness of this wisdom. In our work, together we will attend to the ways in which you have shaped yourself and invite all of you to therapy. Your therapy work then becomes engaging in the unpacking, peeling back and shining a light on your whole self.
Joy is essential. When I laugh with my clients, that is beautiful work. This is a relationship with both joy and challenge, rooted in genuine connection.
It is celebratory when people are able to see themselves wholly and truthfully without shame. When no matter how challenging it might be to hear, when I can say the truth and the client can grab that, those moments are celebratory. Challenges, mistakes, laughter, all of this is an invitation to the power of working through this together.
Deepest Gratitude,
Acknowledgements to my community
Over the years I have been so fortunate to learn from mentors, colleagues, and dear friends who have influenced my growth as a therapist. Their voices, wisdom, teachings are part of me and this new beginning is with their blessings.
The Center for Contextual Change founded by Mary Jo Barrett was my home for the past four years. Mary Jo’s Collaborative Change Model will continue to inform me in my work. In my commitment to be an ethically attuned therapist, I am in consultation every two weeks with Peg Duros of New Moon Wellness.
My two years as a post-graduate fellow at Womencare counseling founded by Laurie Kahn, were transformative to deepen my understanding of complex trauma. I continue to be part of the Trauma Consultation program at Womencare.
My years at the Family Institute at Northwestern under the tutelage of Sonny Cytrynbaum and Lee Blum were years that initiated the evolving process of shedding light on that which is unconscious within myself and widening my lens of the world.
It has been 30 years since I graduated from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), School of Social Work in Mumbai India and I do carry that learning and knowledge deep within me. I continue to be informed, influenced, and inspired by my friends and mentors from TISS.
I am also grateful for everything I have learned from these organizations that are so close to my heart:
Pride Roc an organization in Englewood, Chicago. https://priderocchicago.org/
The Bridge Youth and Family Services in Palatine https://www.bridgeyouth.org/
Prerana in Mumbai India https://preranaantitrafficking.org/